Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Dougherty, 3 August 1806

Washington Augt. 3rd. 1806


This morn. at 9 oclok Mr. Perry arived here on pursuit of your boy Geo. He fortunately found me at the Stable. About 4 oclok in the even. after returning from a cruise when I got wind of him I met with him in the Presidents yard going from the Presidents House, and being informed of his marks and clothing by Mr. Perry I knew it must be him. I took him immediately & brot. him to Mr. Perry & has him now in jail. Mr. Perry will start with him tomorrow, for Monticello

I would be glad to know if Mr. Randolph received the last package I sent to him

The family here is all well

Sir your Obedient Servant

Jos. Dougherty

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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