
  • Author

    • Jefferson, Thomas
  • Recipient

    • Randolph, Martha Jefferson
  • Period

    • Jefferson Presidency

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Documents filtered by: Author="Jefferson, Thomas" AND Recipient="Randolph, Martha Jefferson" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency"
Results 11-20 of 76 sorted by date (descending)
We got in good time to dinner at Montpelier the day I left you, and the next two days being cool,...
Davy arrived last night with your letter of the 23d. and as he will stay some days, & then return...
My latest news from Edgehill was Ellen’s letter of the 1st. inst. which seems to have closed her...
I wrote to you the last week, but a pressure of business at the time prevented my answering a...
The letter to mr Hackley shall go by a government vessel which sails for Cadiz the 10th. of this...
I recieved yesterday yours of the 2d. my fever left me the day I wrote to you, and the swelling...
I was taken with a tooth-ache about 5. days ago, which brought on a very large & hard swelling of...
Here we are all well; & my last letters from Edgehill informed me that all were so there except...
My journey to this place was not as free from accident as usual. I was near losing Castor in the...
As it seems now tolerably probable that the British squadron in our bay have not in contemplation...