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    • Adams, John


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Documents filtered by: Period="Confederation Period" AND Correspondent="Adams, John"
Results 51-100 of 1,788 sorted by date (descending)
You may recollect that the Court of France by an edict, about 2 years since, opend a trade to the...
You will recieve this at a Moment, when you will again find yourself surrounded by your amiable...
I now do myself the pleasure to inclose to you a copy of the Arret explanatory of that of Sep....
I now do myself the pleasure to inclose to you a copy of the Arret explanatory of that of Sep....
I last wednesday received yours of Dec br 28 and should have answerd by the post of thursday but...
I have the Honor to send you inclosed, the prospectus of a french periodical publication lately...
Give me leave to introduce to you John Coffin Jones Esq r , an eminent Merchant of Boston and a...
Give me leave to introduce to you John Coffin Jones Esqr, an eminent Merchant of Boston and a...
I have rec d your favours of the 3 and 13 th and have opened that to our Son, who has been absent...
I flattered myself my friends would have supported my election for the District of Suffolk but I...
It was not untill yesterday that I received your Letter & mrs Cranchs. mr mccomick came up &...
I hope every post to hear from you, but every post has hithertoo dissapointed me. a month is a...
I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 2 d. of Aug. and of adding a P.S. of Aug. 6. you will...
I had the pleasure of writing to you on the 2d. of Aug. and of adding a P.S. of Aug. 6. You will...
This day three weeks I left Home, since which I have not heard a word from thence. I wrote you...
If I had been told at my first arrival that five months would pass, before I should write a Line...
Before this time I hope you have the Happiness to See your Daughter out of all Danger and your...
It is with great and sincere Pleasure, that I have to acknowledge the receipt of your friendly...
A multiplicity of avocations have prevented me, from answering your friendly Letter of the 2 d of...
I have received your friendly Letter and am much obliged to you for your kind remembrance and...
Having applied to Congress for the payment of my salary—being in despair of obtaining it from M r...
We Reachd this place last evening and put up at a mr Avery’s private Lodgings, where we are very...
Our anxiety for you, in your present circumstances and situation among strangers, (though we...
I was much obliged to you for a letter by Mr. Nesbit of Philadelphia, and am very sorry I could...
Last night, I received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me, on the thirteenth of...
From the Conversation that pass’d, between you and me, when I had the Pleasure to See you for a...
In a Letter of October 7 th rec d from D r Rush of Philadelphia I find the following Paragraph...
The following was the return of the Greenland Fishery on the 17 th of June last. made here London...
The multiplied Cares attending the Removal of a Family, from one Country to another; and...
Many unexpected obstacles have concur’d to detain me man months longer than I either wish’d or...
On saturday night, I received your letter of the tenth of this month, and with it a letter...
Some Men by their Merits call upon themselves the Attention of the whole Republic of Letters; and...
The time once was when I had the pleasure of being often in your company, & hearing from your...
C’est avec tout l’intérêt qui suit des sentimens que vous me connoissez, que j’appris il y a...
Since I had the honor to Command the packett-ship Genr l. Washington. in 84. I have lived at this...
Permit us to offer you our most hearty and sincere Congratulations on Your and your Lady’s safe...
I have been honoured by the receipt of your friendly Letter of July the 16 th . I supposed, that...
I receivd your favor, my dear Sir, by which I perceive you are once more a farmer at Braintree—a...
I have received with a great deal of pleasure the account of your safe arrival and joyful...
I have received with a great deal of pleasure the account of your safe arrival and joyful...
Upon receiving a third Book, but a Duplicate of the first Volume of you Work, I acknowledged it...
Last Thursday I had the pleasure of receiving my dear papa’s kind letter of July 16th. I was very...
Being returned at New-york, after a yourneÿ of five weeks in the countrÿ, to take a view of the...
I am honoured with your Letter of the 4. of July and thank you for your friendly Congratulations...
I am much obliged to you, for your kind Congratulations on my Arrival, and M rs Adams returns you...
Your mamma’s hand has been wholly unable to hold a pen, without exquisite pain, from the time of...
I have now the honor to inclose you a copy of the southern whale fishery bill—which I cou’d not...
Our worthy friend D r. Price has requested me to forward to you the last Volume of Gibbons’s...
Permit me tho late to congratulate you & your amiable Lady upon a return to your native Country,...
I congratulate you my dear Sir! most cordially on your Return to your native Country, and am...