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Benjamin Franklin to John Adams, 27 June 1784

From Benjamin Franklin

Passy, June 27. 1784.


Inclosed I have the Honour of sending to your Excellency Copies of Papers contain’d in a Dispatch just receiv’d from Congress. The Affair of the Free-Ports recommended to us, has been someTime settled: They are Dunkirk, L’Orient, Bayonne & Marseilles.—1

I wonder much that we hear nothing from Congress of their foreign Arrangements. This short Line from the President is the only one I have receiv’d since that of Jan. 14. which accompanied the Ratification.—2

With great Respect I have the Honour to be, / Sir, / Your most obedient / & most humble Servant

B. Franklin

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “His Excellency John Adams, Esqr”; endorsed: “Dr Franklin 27. June.”

1From his reference to the free ports, Franklin was probably sending JA a copy of Congress’ resolutions of 16 March, which were enclosed with the president of Congress’ 20 March letter to the commissioners, but which JA had already received. For JA’s earlier mention of the resolution, and for the letter, see his 15 June letter to Jonathan Jackson, and note 3, above.

2For this letter to the commissioners, see vol. 15:455–456.

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