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    • Monroe, James
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    • Jefferson Presidency
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    • Jefferson Papers


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Documents filtered by: Author="Monroe, James" AND Period="Jefferson Presidency" AND Project="Jefferson Papers"
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My letters to Mr. Madison are so full on what concerns us, as to leave me little to add to you. I never experienc’d more difficulty in any case, than in deciding whether to hasten the negotiation with this govt. to a conclusion, & set out immediately in pursuit of the other object, or to let it take its natural course and consume a couple of months more, and pursue that object afterwards. The...
I have had the pleasure to receive yours of Octr. 26. and shall not fail to bring with me the articles mentioned in it from Jones the Instrument maker in Holborn. I am much indebted to you that the sum they will cost on an old account so that that matter will rest of course for the present.   I am very thankful to you for the information given me respecting the state of my affrs. in Albemarle....
Permit me to present to yr. acquaintance the bearer Mr. Voss of Culpepper county, a young man of merit, who has expressd a wish of being personally known to you. He is a lawyer by profession, of respectable standing at the bar, and a fair prospect of becoming eminent if he pursues his profession. He intends making a visit this spring to the south, and hearing that it is proposed to adjust the...
At the request of Mr. Arthur Lee of Norfolk I have given him an introduction to you, but not knowing his object, think proper to mention that I do not, as the contrary might otherwise be inferrd. He is in my opinion a young man of merit, tho it is not founded on much acquaintance with him. He deliver’d an oration not long since which was well spoken of, and is a republican. He is however...
Altho’ it is not yet decided whether I shall sail this fall or not to the UStates, as I most earnestly wish to do, yet I cannot neglect the opportunity by Col: Mercer, to add something to you which it is possible may not be in any other letters. It was my intention as I intimated by Captn. Dulton, to sail immediately after my arrival here, & nothing wod. have prevented it but the seizure of...
I returned from Albemarle on saturday & had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 28. ulto. on Monday last. I perceive that the idea which I suggested of a new and decisive effort, to avert the dangers interior & exterior of the present crisis, by a special mission to France & England, has not obtained your approbation. As the idea was suggested without illustration you will permit me to...
The inclosed was lately sent me by Col: Newton to be forwarded to you. Since my last R. Evers Lee has been here and a suitable occasion presenting itself, I confered with him on the subject of the comr of bankruptcy at Norfolk, in which he informed me that William Bennett a merchant the brother of the person mentioned in my last was the most suitable of the two. He lamented that there was no...
Your favor of May 4th. was presented to me on the 24th. ulto. by Mr Pinkney. That of March 16th. has not yet reached me. You are so good as to offer me either of the governments of Louisiana & to intimate that they shall be kept open sometime for my answer. I should be very sorry if any injurious delay proceeded from that cause; I hasten therefore to prevent it. At one time I was inclined to...
I communicated to you, when I had last the pleasure to see you, that during the late conspiracy of the slaves in this state, I had, by advice of the Council, ordered a guard, consisting of a subaltern and suitable number of men over the deposit of Arms and military Stores of the United States at New London , which would be continued until you had made some disposition of those Arms, which...
Dr. Barraud who will present you this is a very respectable citizen & able physician of Norfolk. Having been intrusted with the care of the marine hospital at that port, he thinks it incumbent on him to make some communications relative to it to the Executive of the UStates, for which purpose he makes a visit to the seat of govt. you will I am well persuaded find his communication very...