George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Tobias Lear, 5 August 1795

To Tobias Lear

Mount Vernon 5th Augt 1795

My dear Sir,

It is my intention, at present, to be in Georgetown to morrow; but as I have been sending to the post-Office in Alexandria every day since friday last,1 for letters, without having received any from the Officers of Government; and may, by this days mail find such an accumulation of them, as to make it impracticable for me to give them proper attention—prepare answers against Saturday morning—and be on business in Georgetown at the sametime; I now send you a power of Attorney to act for me (if I should not be there) in the latter case.2 In haste I am Your Affecte Servt

Go: Washington


1The previous Friday was 31 July.

2GW enclosed the following power of attorney dated 4 Aug., witnessed by David Stuart and William Pearce, Jr.: “I do by these presents, constitute & appoint Mr Tobias Lear my Attorney, to represent my interest of fifty five shares in the Potomack Company; a general meeting of which is to be held in Georgetown (by adjournment) on thursday next, the 6th instant. And I do hereby authorise & require him to vote in my behalf, on any question, or questions which may come before the said meeting on that day, or during the continuance thereof by adjournment if I am not present—and his acts and doings in the premises (conformably to Law) will be obligatory on me” (ADS, CSmH; see also GW to Edmund Randolph, 29 July, n.3, and Diaries, description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends 6:208).

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