
  • Author

    • Cooper, Thomas
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    • Jefferson-03


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Documents filtered by: Author="Cooper, Thomas" AND Series="Jefferson-03"
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At the request of Professor Cooper , we have examined a Collection of Minerals, selected for the...
M. Leshot found me yet confined to my bed; he gave me 125 Dlrs, and by the time he returns from...
I wrote to you at the Bedford Springs of this State , supposing from what I saw in the...
Your letter of the 25 Nov. arrived here to day. Your letter mentioning that the apartments and...
Some time ago I promised the Editor of the Port folio a paper on education, but I neglected it...
I acknowledge with many thanks your kind letter giving me an account of your application to Mr...
M r Ware is absent from Philadelphia I find, in order to take the benefit of the Insolvent Law in...
D r Coxe ’s election comes on the first Tuesday of next month. They talk of deferring the...
It appears to me desireable, that in an University, should be taught 1 Languages } antient....
M rs Cooper writes to me that no letter has been received from you since my departure from...
I send you remarks on your letter to Mr Carr: not much differing from the spirit and substance of...
my letter to you respecting Williamsburgh was put in the post before I rec d yours . The...
I am very sorry to hear of your weak state of health, but I hope to find you better by the...
I am here on business for a few days with more leisure than I usually have, and sitting down to...
On my coming from England in 1793 I brought with me a very good collection of minerals: the...
I write now in reply to yours from the warm Springs, of the 7 th Instant . D r Patterson is not...
Mr Vaughan cut the inclosed out of a Carolina Paper that came here yesterday. I suppose it must...
I send you the account of our collegiate Studies, which the Trustees have directed to be...
I feel myself much flattered by the kind offer of the Visitors of the College near Charlotte’s...
I put in writing what I have to observe, respecting the College at Charlottesville , because I...
I am much obliged by your two Letters , and instructed by the legal suggestions they contain. I...
M. Correa and I will set out about the 16 th . He will have to stay 2 or 3 days in Washington :...
When you wrote to me concerning the advertisements and the Stoves, I was greatly oppressed with a...
I received yours of the 8 th yesterday. The contents greatly chagrined me, as it is on every...
I was a little surprized yesterday, when M. Correa congratulated me on having agreed to come to...
I return you many thanks for your package . Particularly for your Statement of the Batture case,...
Please to pay to my order, at the Bank of Virginia in Richmond , on the first day of January 1821...
I feel myself greatly obliged and much gratified by the kind and liberal conduct of the Governors...
I regret that it is not in my power to visit you this Season. I am not only busy preparing for my...
I received your letter announcing the prejudices excited among the people by the Clergy, without...