George Washington Papers

Commission, 7 April 1756


[Williamsburg, 7 April 1756]

Robert Dinwiddie Esqr His Majesty’s Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia.

To George Washington Esqr:

By Virtue of the Power and Authority to me given and granted by His Majesty I do hereby authorize and impower You to hold and appoint Courts Martial for the Tryal of Non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers as Colonel and Commander in Chief of the Virginia Regiment for all Crimes and Offences whatsoever pursuant to the Act of Assembly, for punishing Mutiny and Desertion And for so doing this shall be Your Warrant. Given under my Hand and Seal this Seventh day of April 1756.1

Robt Dinwiddie

By the Governor’s Command
Wm Withers Secretary


1This commission was enclosed in Dinwiddie’s letter to GW of 8 April. For GW’s rejection of the commission as “insufficient,” see his letter to Dinwiddie, 18 April 1756.

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