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...or can even justify itself as a productive source of Revenue? Whether again the bank was not established without authority from the constitution? Whether it did not throw unnecessary and unreasonable advantages into the hands of men; previously enriched beyond reason or necessity? first apprehended. From that moment all ideas of conciliation and concession vanished. She...
Whether this has proceeded from pride or from humility, from a temperate love of reform, or from a wild spirit of innovation, is submitted to the conjectures of the curious. A single observation shall be indulged—since all agree, that he is unlike his predecessors in essential points, it is a mark of consistency to differ from them in matters of form....patriots must, at all events, please the...
The text of the Notes of Proceedings (hereafter referred to as Notes) as here presented was inserted by Jefferson in the manuscript of his Autobiography; all previous editors of Jefferson’s papers have printed it with the Autobiography at the place where Jefferson inserted it (..., or rather suspended, 29 July 1821, is a MS of 90 leaves, all versos being blank save three; however, Jefferson...
2. “To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of congress, become the seat of the government of the United States; and to exercise like authority... ...all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the states, in which the same shall be, for the erection of...
comforts. the assurances indeed of friendly disposition recieved from all the powers, with whom we have principal relations, had inspired a confidence that our peace with them would not have been disturbed. but a cessation of the irregularities which had afflicted the commerce of neutral nations, & remain in peace; but with orders to protect our commerce against the threatened attack...
those arts which tend to increase our comforts. the assurances indeed of friendly disposition recieved from all the powers, with whom we have principal relations, had inspired a confidence that our peace with them would not have been disturbed. but a cessation of the...orders to protect our commerce against the threatened attack. the measure was seasonable and salutary. the Bey had already...
“If I can but be the instrument of preserving one life, his blessing and tears of transport, shall be a sufficient consolation to me, for the contempt of all mankind.” ...that the spirit of the law upon such occasions, is conformable to humanity, to commonsense and feeling; that it is all benignity and candor. And the trial commences with the prayer of the Court, expressed by the Clerk,...
When the King of Great-Britain, misguided by men who did not merit his confidence, asserted the unjust claim of binding us in all cases whatsoever, and prepared to obtain our submission by force, the object which engrossed our attention, however important, was nevertheless plain and simple. “What shall we do?” was the question—the people answered, let us... ...essential of human means, and...
I have not, as yet, composed the latter. But by the all powerful dispensatns of protected beyond all human
...Crown of Great Britain, were made, the People, who now compose the United States of America, were a Part of the English Nation; as such, Allies of the Republick, and Parties to those Treaties; entitled to all their Benefits, and chearfully submitting to all their Obligations....Englishmen, and reducing them to the worst of all Forms of Government; starving the People, by blockading the...