Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Girardot, Haller & Co., 2 June 1778

From Girardot, Haller & Co.

LS: American Philosophical Society

Parÿs June 2d. 1778


We referr you, to what we had th’honor of writing to you and desiring you an information of those articles which You Thought most ready in demand for your Contrÿ for Messrs. Dubbeldemuts at Rotterdam, and as those Gentlemen are Much in th’American interest, and very worthy men We would willingly oblige them as your Answer on that head wil Those who are very Sincerily Sir Your most Humble Servants7

Girardot Haller & Co.

To the Right Honourable Dr. franklin

Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur le docteur Frankelin / Député des Etats unis de / l’Amérique / chez Mr. Leray de Chaumont / Passy / hotel Colbert

Notation: Girardot, Haller & Co. 2 Juin 1778

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7The Dubbeldemuts’ inquiry that Girardot, Haller had forwarded on May 25 is missing. It had no reply, for on June 26 Girardot, Haller repeated it. That letter also recommended a German of good family, Salomon Kitt, who intended to emigrate and wanted letters of support from BF. APS.

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