Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Robert Morris, 17 January 1784

From Robert Morris

LS: American Philosophical Society; copy: Library of Congress

Philada January 17th. 1784


Colo Harmar the Bearer of this Letter is just arrived from Annapolis charged with the Definitive Treaty Ratified by Congress with which he is to proceed for Paris in order to deliver the same to the Ministers who negotiated the Treaty, that the Ratifications may be exchanged— Congress have directed me to supply Colo Harmar with Money to defray his Necessary Expences,8 In Consequence of this Order I have advanced him Two Hundred Spanish Dollars here and now write to Mr. Grand Requesting that he may Supply such farther sum as you shall agree may be proper & necessary for the above purpose—9 I suppose His Excellency the President of Congress has Recommended Colo Harmar to your Notice— He has been a brave and deserving officer which alone will procure him your favorable Attention.

I am Your Excellencys Most obedt & very humble servt.

Robt Morris

His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqre Minister Plenipotentiary &a. Passy

Addressed: His Excellency / Benjamin Franklin Esqre / Minister Plenipotentiary &a / Paris

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Congress’ resolution and Mifflin’s letter to Morris, both dated Jan. 14, are in JCC, XXVI, 29, and Morris Papers, IX, 29.

9A copy of his Jan. 17 letter to Grand is at the Library of Congress: Morris Papers, IX, 958.

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