Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Wilhem and Jan Willink, Nicholaas and Jacob Van Staphorst, and Nicholas Hubbard, 17 April 1792

To Wilhem and Jan Willink, Nicholaas and
Jacob Van Staphorst, and Nicholas Hubbard

Treasury Department.
April 17th: 1792.


The Treasurer of the United States has my authority to draw upon you, at thirty days sight, for 500,000 Guilders in favor of John Kean Esquire, Cashier of the Bank of the United States, to which you will please to give due honor.

I am &c.

Alexander Hamilton.

Messrs. Willink, Van Staphorst & Hubbard.

Copy, RG 233, Reports of the Treasury Department, 1792–1793, Vol. III, National Archives. This letter was enclosed in H’s “Report on Foreign Loans,” February 13, 1793.

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