Thomas Jefferson Papers

List of British Prisoners and Their Quarters in Albemarle County, [25 September 1777]

List of British Prisoners and Their Quarters in Albemarle County

[25 September 1777]

John Dow } Thomas West Feb. 2. 1777
William Nichols
William Holderness } N. Lewis. Jan. 30. 1777.
John Mann.
Jacob Seading
George Harvie
Joseph Coupland
John Normon
Malcolm Shilcott
Thomas Ruth. (Richd. Woods).
Alexander Colvin. (Jamieson)
Hugh Granville } Wm. Barksdale. Feb. 3. 1777
Wm. Jamieson
Wm. Stokes } Wm. Woods. Feb. 3. 1777
John Duncan
George Tilley } Ben. Calvert. Feb. 3. 1777.
James Allen
Robert Ash } Peter Marks Feb. 3. 1777.
Edwd. Tow
Robert Scaten } James Marks Feb. 3. 1777.
William Dodds.
Wm. Chambers. Feilder.

Mar. 31. 1777. delivd. the above to Capt. Marks, except Dow, Seedeng, Shilcot, Colvin, Dodds. also there remains Townshend, McCann & Goodrich.

Dow was sent to Staunton Sep. 25. 1777.

N (DLC). In TJ’s hand.

On 8 Apr., 24 June, and 22 July 1776, prisoners of war had been ordered sent to Charlottesville from Williamsburg and Richmond (Va. Council Jour. description begins Journals of the Council of the State of Virginia, ed. H. R. McIlwaine description ends , i, 39, 81–2; CVSP, viii description begins William P. Palmer and others, eds., Calendar of Virginia State Papers … Preserved in the Capitol at Richmond, Richmond, 1875–93, 11 vols. description ends , 157). They were placed in the custody of citizens of Charlottesville under the supervision of TJ as county lieutenant (see John Goodrich to TJ, 20 Jan. 1777). Under order of Council, 26 Feb. 1777, the prisoners were to be turned over to the commanding officer of the Continental recruits for the county, to be conducted to Philadelphia (Patrick Henry to TJ, 26 Feb. 1777). Capt. Marks was the commanding officer for the Continental recruits in Albemarle co. (Woods, Albemarle County, p. 263; Heitman). Of the prisoners who were retained after 31 Mch., Goodrich, McCan, Shilcott, and Townsend escaped on 18 Aug. (Va. Gaz. description begins Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, 1751–1780, and Richmond, 1780–1781). Abbreviations for publishers of the several newspapers of this name, frequently published concurrently, include the following: C & D (Clarkson & Davis), D & H (Dixon & Hunter), D &N (Dixon & Nicolson), P & D (Purdie & Dixon). In all other cases the publisher’s name is not abbreviated. description ends [Purdie], 22 Aug. 1777). No record has been found of the discharge or transfer of Seading, Colvin, and Dodds, but the guard was disbanded shortly after the transfer of Dow to Staunton.

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