Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Edward Telfair, 21 August 1792

From Edward Telfair

State-house, Augusta, 21st. Augt. 1792


Yours of the 3d. ultimo I have been favored with—also its enclosure, a copy of a Letter from His most Catholic Majesty’s Representative on the subject of a Communication dated the 30th. December 1791 from His Excellency the Governor of East Florida to me: herewith are transmitted certified copies of the Executive proceedings had in the premises. When the Law Officers, who are now on the Circuit, make a report (which measure shall not admit of much longer delay) you shall be immediately furnished therewith. I have the honor to be Sir Your most Obedt. hble. Servt.

Edwd. Telfair

FC (G-Ar: Journal of Executive Department); at foot of text: “The Secretary of the United States.” Recorded in SJL as received 16 Sep. 1792.

Although they cannot be identified with certainty, the enclosures probably consisted of copies of the executive proceedings of the state of Georgia of 24 Jan. and 25 July 1792 relating to the theft of five slaves belonging to John Blackwood of East Florida by three Georgians in October 1791. On the former date, the Georgia Executive Council ordered the state attorney general’s office to investigate Blackwood’s complaint and take such steps as were necessary to obtain justice for him, and Governor Telfair wrote a letter to Governor Juan Nepomuceno de Quesada of East Florida informing him of this action. On the latter date, the Council ordered the state attorney general’s office to submit a report describing its compliance with this order (G-Ar: Journal of Executive Department). Telfair wrote a brief letter to TJ on 30 Aug. 1792 enclosing “a certified copy of the Report of the Solicitor General,” dated 6 Aug. 1792, on the subject of the theft of Blackwood’s bondsmen, but this report has not been found (FC in same; at foot of text: “The Secretary of the United States”; recorded in SJL as received 18 Oct. 1792). See also Viar and Jaudenes to TJ, 26 June 1792.

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