George Washington Papers

Memorandum List of Quitrents, 1761

Memorandum List of Quitrents


A List of Lands for which I paid Quit-Rents in the Year 1761—to Tomison Elzey.1

In King George County viz.2 1250 Acres 1 Year due
Fairfax3 Mount Vernon 2126
bot of Darrel 500
Ditto of Clifton 1806
4432 Ditto 1 Ditto
Frederick taken up 760
bot of Johnston 552
of McCraken 550
taken up 453
2315 Ditto 1 Ditto
Hampshire4Do 240 Do  1 Do
Total amount 8237 Ditto 1 Ditto @2/6 prCt £10.6s.od.

Note—on the 20th of July 1762 I paid Mr Tomison Elzey the above Sum of £10.6.0 in full for the Quit Rents of the above Lands untill Michaelmas 1761.

Go: Washington

1Thomazin Ellzey (Elzey, Elsey), of Fairfax County, collected quitrents for Lord Fairfax after George William Fairfax went to England in 1760.

2GW’s land in King George County across the Rappahannock from Fredericksburg included Ferry Farm which he had inherited from his father in 1753.

3For the dates of GW’s accession of the tracts of land at Mount Vernon, see “The Growth of Mount Vernon—1754–1786,” in Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 1:240–42.

4GW acquired his land in Frederick and Hampshire counties during the 1750s. For these land acquisitions, see the source note in Land Grant, from Thomas, Lord Fairfax, 20 Oct. 1750, in Papers, Colonial Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series. 10 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1983–95. description ends , 1:48.

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