George Washington Papers

Vestry Elections in Truro and Fairfax Parishes, 22–25 July 1765

Vestry Elections in Truro and Fairfax Parishes

[22–25 July 1765]

Vestry chosen for Truro Parish Vestry chosen for Fairfax Parish
22d July 1765. with the number of Votes for each 25th July 1765 with the number of votes for each
Colo. Geo. Mason 282 Colo. [John] West 309
Captn Edwd Payne 277 Mr William Payne 289
Colo. Geo: Washington 259 Mr William Adams 250
Captn John Posey 259 Captn John Dalton 247
Captn Danl McCarty 246 Mr Thos Wren 237
Colo. Geo. Wm Fairfax 235 Mr Edward Dulan 228
Mr Alexander Henderson 231 Majr Chs Broadwater 225
Mr William Gardner 218 Mr Richard Sanford 225
Mr Tomison Ellzey 209 Mr Daniel French 216
Mr Thos Wither’s Coffer 189 Mr Edward Blackburn 210
Mr William Lynton 173 Mr Thos Shaw 209
Mr Thomas Ford 170 Mr Townshend Dade 205
Mr Henry Boggess 168 Mr James Wren 205
Mr Joshua Ferguson 162 Mr Charles Alexander 204
Mr Edward Washington 154 Mr Robert Alexander 184
Mr George Simpson 153 Captn George Johnston 183
Majr Peter Wagener 146 Mr Sampson Darrel 151
Mr Benja. Grayson 139 Mr Benja. Sebastion 150
Mr William Baylis 86 Mr Presley Cox 85
whole number of Votes 3756 whole number of Votes 4012
12/3756/313 number of Voters 12/4012/334 number of Voters
15 41
36 52

D, in the hand of GW, DLC:GW.

See notes for Vestry Elections in Truro and Fairfax Parishes, 25–28 Mar. 1765.

Index Entries