George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Mercereau, 25 August 1780

From John Mercereau

Woodbrid[g]e [N.J.] August 25. 1780

Dear Sir

Since I Left Head Quarters I have Been very Deligent in gitting the Account of Brooklin works I Sent Over to Both my Corespondent the One is very Sick I have Sent a Second time & found him Recovering hope Soon to git a plan of the works at Brooklin in Sending to the Other Corespondent the first Order miscaried but have Sent again which he has Receiv’d that I Now Expect from Both assoon as I Receive it Shall Come on imediately to Head Quarters, A Report prevails in Newyork that they are going to Send all the prisoners to Hallifax for Security. Your Obedient Servent

John Mercereau


None of Mercereau’s letters to his correspondents, or spies, have been identified.

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