George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General William Phillips, 23 October 1780

From Major General William Phillips

New York October 23d 1780


When I was last at Elizabeth-Town at the meeting with Major General Lincoln I desired Major Skinner to mention to Your Excellency my wishes that Brigadiers General Spæcht and DeGall might have liberty of going into New York in order for their being exchanged, requesting at the same time that, if Your Excellency should be inclined to acquiesce in the measure as proposed by me, you would transmit an order to the American Commanding Officer at Albemarle Barracks to permit those Officers setting out.1

Lest any accident should have prevented Major Skinner from mentioning this circumstance to you, I now do myself the honour to propose to You, Sir; the Exchange of the two Brigadiers above named on the part of His Excellency General Sir Henry Clinton; If this proposition meets with Your Concurrence and that, in consequence, orders are dispatched to admit of Brigadiers General Spæcht and DeGall going to New York, upon their arrival at Elizabeth Town they may be finally exchanged against any two of the three Brigadiers Thompson, Waterbury, or Irvine.2

The Season being So far advanced I should take it as a particular favour if You, Sir, will please to send your orders immediately to Virginia, as the Brigadiers are both ill, and one very aged. They will be permitted in course to bring the Officers of their suite and attendants. I am, Sir, Your Excellency’s most obedient humble Servant

W. Phillips


1For GW’s compliance with this request, see his letter to James Wood on 31 Oct. (DLC:GW); see also Phillips to GW, 23 September.

2GW accepted the offer when he replied to Phillips on 31 Oct. (DLC:GW); see also GW to Abraham Skinner, same date (DLC:GW).

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