George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Samuel Huntington, 16 December 1780

From Samuel Huntington

Philadelphia December 16. 1780


Your Excellency will receive enclosed, the Copy of an Act of Congress of the 12th Instant, directing that the Garrison at Wyoming be relieved (if you shall Judge that Post necessary) as soon as may be, by Troops from the Continental Army, not belonging to the Line of Pennsylvania or Connecticutt, or Citizens of either of the said States.

The present & future Garrison are to be supplied by the Commissary General from the Magazines of the Continent.1 I have the Honor to be with the highest respect your Excellencys most obedt & most hbble Servant

Sam. Huntington Presidt

P.S. I have been honourd with your letters of the 8th & 13th instant.2

LS, DLC:GW. Huntington wrote the postscript. For GW’s reply, see his letter to Huntington, 27 Dec., postscript.

1Huntington enclosed a copy of this congressional resolution adopted on 12 Dec. (DLC:GW; see also JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. 34 vols. Washington, D.C., 1904–37. description ends , 18:1147–48; Huntington to Joseph Reed, 14 Dec., in Smith, Letters of Delegates description begins Paul H. Smith et al., eds. Letters of Delegates to Congress, 1774–1789. 26 vols. Washington, D.C., 1976–2000. description ends , 16:444; Reed to GW, 19 Dec.; and Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., to GW, 13 and 16 Jan. 1781, both DLC:GW).

New Hampshire delegate John Sullivan wrote GW from Philadelphia on 18 Dec. 1780: “The Avarice of Connecticut & the Jealousy of Pensylvania have brought on a Dispute which could not be Settled but by a Resolution for your Excellency to relieve the present Garrison of Wyoming with Troops not Drawn from the Line of Either of Said States—Leaving it in your Discretion to Determine whether a Garrison was Necessary at that Place a full persuasion that you wish to Exercise this & Every other Discretionary Power for the Publick good Induces me to take the Liberty of offering my opinion which is That if a Garrison is Not Maintained at that place The Indians by having the River Free for their Canoes will Cut off all the Inhabitants at Wyoming: on the west Branch of Susquehannah and all the Frontier Settles Down to Easton. This from my knowledge of the Country appears to be the inevitable Consequence of removing the Garrisons. your Excellency will give This Hint Such weight as it may appear to Merit” (ALS, DLC:GW). Sullivan knew the area from having led an expedition against the Six Nations in late summer and early fall 1779 (see Sullivan to GW, 28 Sept. 1779).

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