George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Tench Tilghman, 23 March 1786

From Tench Tilghman

Baltimore 23d March 1786

Dear sir

I hope you have ere this recd the Bag of seeds which I sent by the last Stage to Alexanda By to morrow’s Stage, I shall forward a Cask of Seed which was sent to my Care by Mr Clemt Biddle of Philada It will be directed to the Care of Colo. Fitzgerald.1

I am still unable to leave my Chamber, tho I think I am rather better than when I wrote to you last.2 I remain Dr Sir very sincerely, yr obt Servt

Tench Tilghman


2This was Tilghman’s last letter to GW. He died on 18 April. See Thomas Ringgold Tilghman to GW, 22 April.

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