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    • 1790-01-31


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I cannot omit so good an opportunity as now Presents to acknowledge the receipt of your kind...
your letter of December 14 th I had the pleasure to receive the last week. and by my Brother...
I had the honor of addressing you a letter on the 30th. of November last in answer to yours of...
I did expect that in congratulating you, which I do most sincerely, upon your Appointment, I...
I have made the inquiry of General Schuyler which you directed. He says that he thinks Kirkland’s...
6[Diary entry: 31 January 1790] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 31st. Went to St. Pauls Chapel in the forenoon. Mr. Wilson, one of the Associate Judges of...
Mr Macomb presents Mr Lear with his respects he has receiv’d his note of this morning and informs...
My motives for presuming to address you at this time is to solicit your particular favor & notice...
New York Jany. 31. 1790. I wrote last week a letter accompanying the favor for Mrs. Ross, which I...
Letter not found. 31 January 1790. Acknowledged in Dawson to JM, 26 Feb. and 14 Mar. 1790 . Says...